Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"They've killed Kenny, those bastards"...

When I see these colors on the Holding screeen to my right and on the Working srceen to my left; then, swithing view, I see these in Cowboy..(knowing Green are the gainers...)

     I have flashbacks of the Rookie Days; the feeling just after Buying a "Sure Thing" in time for the  Bust or Holding shares 'til the wither.
I had to Calm Down, then, and I'm staying Calm, now...well maybe.  I'm not so cocky, nowadays that I say, "We're so far Up in The Market, WHO CARES what happpens" with abandon (although, I still say it...).

I'd, normally, save the following for my Viewpoint Blog, but its too apropos:

     Our REAL problem isn't today.  It's the investment quandry we're facing , in the months to come, when the Central Gov't Stimulus begins to run out.  The Leftist Congress and their crony in the White House have chosen not to create a real stimulus for job growth and prosperity through tax incentives.  They have given feel good money to the Masses (which may have well been free Crystal Meth) and propped up companies which should have been downsized years ago.  All this while giving Unions a new foothold in the 21st Century, and the American People looming deficits which are sure to cripple the Economy in the furture.

     The bright spot on the horizon is that 2010 is an election year.  The General Populace which put this Leftist Regime in power, either by their votes or lack thereof, will surely be awakened.  As for the leftist legistlation currently on The Hill; let's hope that, indeed, "The sight of the Gallows quickens a Man's Mind".

(Tim Geithner looks as though he's thinking, "How much longer do you expect the American Poeple to swallow this jive?"...)

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