For the first time, my advisors are cutting fees. Unsolicited discounts in management fees (after already bargained down) is an interesting development. 2009 isn't over, but I seriously doubt is we could achieve the gains we had this year in 2010. I don't expect the phenom in +%'s to run, even with increased R&D. I'm up 300% (and heavy change) for the year, but not w/o some Dealing (we've paid broker's kids tuition even at Scott and TD). Those of us who were IN took a hit in the Fall of '08; but I'd glady take another hit (with the same % loss) to have the same runup in 2010. The last block of trades we made went to Holding Accounts with the exception of TGIC. Even that trade, I cut in half and spread to our other Buys.
As for losing gains: we won't. It's the contunued plays which concerns me. The Game isn't over, but I think it will be awhile until we're playing in another Bowl.
Maybe we should think about reorganizing The Clique into
a formal Investment Concern.
(more truth than fiction in this...)
Results from The Quorum re: Next Years Taxes is due, soon.
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