In my (long ago)
Market Basics Posting on HubPages, I informed readers of the
Three Different Types of Accounts We have and what the role of each was. Lately, Our "Cowboys" has been VERY active with IN & OUT Trades (TIGC, CTIC, et al). If those accounts hadn't the Vigil on them, we'd have losses; as we wouldn't have Caught the UPs or the Downs.
Unfortunately, one of my readers, has just "taken a bath" in her Playing. It only took a day, but what a difference a day makes! M-a-y-b-e your Holding and Working Accounts can afford a bit of neglect (with Sell or Loss Orders in place) --- but Cowboy Trades will not be a good investment vehicle if they are neglected.
The Caution I'm Posting, here, is to set up the OPEN/NOON/9PM Check-in on your Positions (DUH!) if you're into The Play. And I'll reiterate my fav comment; "Pigs Starve". 10% Gains on a 2-Day Play should have Stop Losses applied!
(And we all bath, occassionally...)