I missed the news on Chevron this morning and I still don't know what was so great that it would cause two freinds to call me re: it. However, this coincides with discussions my Investment Clique had this week.
A broker I deal with called on Thursday to suggest Exxon for a portfolio I manage. I have no stake in petrol co.s; too volatile and not enough growth this year. Presently, I thought this would be an interesting diversification move and I did some R&D. So here's the scoop on petroleum stocks from an overview perspective:
CHEVRON was up 0.67 at Friday's close, big deal. The share price is $72.64! and the dividend is 3.74%. This criteria doesn't quite reach the Buy Threshold held in Douglas' mantra, "Buy Allot--Cheap--w/ Growth Potential" (and a Good Dividend. if possible).
EXXON was up 0.15 at the close. The share price is $69.99 w/ a div of 2.40%. This stock is completely OUT for my purposes. My clients invest $5-10K at a time and the growth would need to be so phenomenal for them to realize money on the trade that it nearly impossible. And that div isn't enough to tide one over until this impossibility is realized. I can piss into the wind and accomplish the same effect as buying this stock at the levels we trade.
So far, we're not doing very well in finding the right trade in this sector, but I have a pick.
BP was down 0.01 at the close (and a further 0.04, afterhours). The share price, although higher than we're accustomed to paying, is a doable $54.75 w/ a div of 6.13%. This is one I'll be doing R&D on this week.